I really need to...
Why is it that you always just wanna do this and this and this instead of get your ass off the sofa and do all that stuff that you really need to get done? Well, I guess when I'm finally off from work for a few days I just want to do what ever I feel like doing ;O) hehe what's wrong with that, right?
Today we have two birthday parties to go to, it's gonna be a niiiice evening!
Well, now I'm off to make some lunch anyways... I wish you all a great weekend!
Kiss kiss!

A long day
Today has been a long day and now I'm finally heading for the bed! Tomorrow is the last day of work before my days off! As I mentioned, but it's worth mentioning again, I have the weekend off this week!!! ;O)
Well today we had a meeting at work about the company moving and all. They will help us to get out on the "looking for a job" market in the best way by helping us prepare ourselves. That's good at least. Was interesting.
When I got home I saw we received the voting paper for the elections in the regions here in Spain that will be held in May. Don't know what to vote yet though.. have to get some information about the different ideas.
This afternoon I went for a long walk on the fields again, love it! Helps me to relax and gives me so much energy back! It's like Swedish summer here now, so all is in bloom and the fields are green... aaaaah sooo wonderful!
I also made a nice dinner for Carlos as he had to stay over at work, they had some problems coming up during the last hour. Well, so I made wok and then I surprised him with chocolate dipped streawberries for dessert, so jummy!

someone in need of a shower maybe? ;O)

the ingredients for "THE wok" ;O) hehe... chicken, onions, carrots, corn, paprika, pineapple, chili (or something like that) and the milk of coconut. Then you throw in some curry and some asian sauce you like as well... jummy!

dessert! these were so easy to make and sooooooo good! We ate them all at once! haha
I hope you all had a great day! Sleep tight and see you tomorrow my bloggers!
Fin de mar!
presents and other stuff
I forgot to show you my presents that I got for my birthday ;O)

here's the dress, the parfume and the two necklaces, then I also have the tickets for the spa ;P niiice!
I made a chocolate cake for my birthday, so now we have had that for dessert during the last 3 days with strawberries and vanilla sauce! jummy!

Now there's only two more days of work before the weekend! Jippy! Today I went shopping a bit, got two bracelets and a skirt for me and then I bought a present for a friend because it's her birthday tomorrow. I hope she will like it!
By the way, the sun has come back to Madrid again and the weather is great! :O)
Now: the second part of the soccer game and then sleeeeep! I wonder who will win the semifinals of the Champions... Real Madrid or Barcelona?
Over and out.
Too early...
Good morning! Or really, it's too early yet to be a "good" morning... ;O) I'm sitting at work, longing for my bed... how nice it would be to still sleep for a few hours! But it's a new day and a new week, and a new year for me... my 27th year on this earth ;O)
Well, at least the sun is showing itself a bit behind the clouds now, it's a beautiful sunrise... so it might just be a great day!
Happy Monday everyone!
Happ..happ.. happy birthday to me!
Today I'm now 27 years old! Well in the end I don't really feel older, you know.. just one day more that yesterday...so not so much... ;O) haha
My birthday dinner yesterday was great! We went to Pasta & Sushi for dinner and then we went on to go dancing for a while and have some drinks. I really had a great time, so thank you my friends!!!
They also brought me presents! How sweet! I got two necklaces and a summer dress, so nice!
This morning Carlos gave me breakfast and presents by the bed :P I got a nice perfume and tickets for us to go to the spa together, how great! I'm really looking forward to that!

Linda and me

me, Linda and Jorge

good looking girls! ;O)

my sweetie ;O)

A really good birthday party, says Ida
I hope you all have a great Sunday!
Happy Easter... and a mix of other things...
By the way, the film "Rio" that we went to see the other day was great! So funny! I can recommend that one!
And of course I can't forget... I wish you all a Happy Easter!
Me, I'm looking forward for tonight, I will celebrate my birthday with some freinds! (I will be 27 tomorrow! how did this happend? I was just 18 a few years ago...haha) But I wouldn't go back anyway! I'm happy right were I am now, and I have so much more to look forward to!

Excuse me, who's are these pyjama pants again? hahaha ;O)
Now we're going...
Anyone who saw it already?
Today has been a calm day with lots of rest and eating good food. We also went walking on the fields... nice nice nice! I really needed this day of rest to get some energy back.

(picture from Google)
We're off to the cinema! Have a nice evening!
Baked potatoes and soccer
We just ate dinner, baked potatoes with sallad and sauce, mmmmmm! I love it! And it's so easy to make!
You just put a big potatoe in the micro oven for 8 minutes, after cleaning it from dirt and cutting a cross in the middle so that it will be done even inside. Cut some sallad, tomatoes, avocado, corn, pineapple or whatever you want to have with it and then you make some sauce, for example cream and mayonnaise with dill and salmon... and then it's done and sooo jummy!

Now we are looking at the final of Copa del Rey in soccer, with Real Madrid and Barcelona... let's see who wins!
I'm off to see the game and have dessert, strawberries again! :P
The best thing is that tomorrow and on Friday I'm off from work! And Carlos too! Nice, nice, nice!
Have a great evening everyone!
This sucks!
The weather has changed! It's grey and rainy in Madrid and the sun is shining in Sweden! It's not that I don't want you all to have sun, even in Sweden, but the thing is that when we have nice weather, it's not that nice in Sweden and the other way around... and it turns out that every year for Easter the weather here is baaaad and you have all the sun in Sweden!
NOT FAIR!!! because I want some nice weather for my birthday on Sunday, so you better give it back to me by then! ;O)
So, you all in Sweden, you better enjoy the sun all you can!!!
Big kiss!
Ida is missing the blue blue sky and the yellow yellow sun! ;O(
Look out for the crazy foreigner!
I think I'm loosing my mind... hehe
Yesterday I went to the centre after work to have a late lunch with Yesi, a friend from the university here. It was great to see her again, the time passes so fast when we meet because there is so much to talk about!
Well anyhow... we went to the Plaza Mayor to sit down in one of the many terraces. We choose one that seems to have good food and to a good price. Then comes the waitor and asks what we want and we ask for the paella that they have on the card outside the terrace. Then he tells us they only have the things from the menu because that is a card for the restaurant next door! hahahaha I just wanted to disappear! And then we see that the paella there is three times as expensive! So we change the restaurant to the one next door! I felt so stupid! hahaha but really I think that is really Swedish to feel that way! ;O)
Then when we are going to the train/metro station to go home, she has to go with the train and I with the metro, but I didn't know she was going with the train. So we go to pass where you put in the ticket and go through to the platform. Well my ticket doesn't work, and I try several times and say: that's really strange! and so I ask a guy that work there and he says: but girl, this is a ticket for the metro and this is where you enter for the train.
- Oooooh!!! that's right! I'm sorry... (Oh, fuck I did it again, I thought). Just wanted to disappear again! hahaha what a day!!
So it was a funny day after all, because afterwards you can laugh a lot about those things!
Sleep tight! I'm off to bed! Tomorrow is the last day of work before I have two days off! Great!
Want to sleep sleep sleep
Today I'm sooooo tired! I had to get up at 5.15 this morning and of course I couldn't sleep last night... why is that, that when you really need to go to sleep you can't? so annoying!
But besides that it's been a good day today. My collegues at work are so great! I'm so glad they are there to make things so much funnier! ;O)
Now, tacos for dinner and maybe a nice film before heading for bed! Wake up alarm at 05.15 tomorrow again! Positive thinking now ok! It's gonna be a great weekend, I can feel it!

A tired but happy Ida ;O)
Sometimes things don't turn out the way you thought...
This evening we were going to go to an event in Madrid... but when we get there, nobody knows anything about this event and there's nobody there that might go to the same event either... OK, what's going on? we tought... and when we get home it seems that they put the wrong date on one of the pages because on the other one it said 10th of May! Well, shit happens!
So we went for dinner instead to one of our favourite places, Happy Wok. It's a buffet of asian food; sushi, wok, fried vegetables, meat etc. Was a nice evening anyway in the end.
Sleep tight sweeties!

My outfit for today. My new summer dress from H&M, love it! The jacket is also from H&M and the bag from Blanco.
Some new things
I just love that the spring is here and I can start using some thinner clothes again! ;O)
I went shopping yesterday and bought some new things as well.

t-shirt from H&M, bag from Blanco, choes and bikini from Ardene.
In the evening we met up with Ida and Jean for a while as it was so long since we met now. We went to Chess Café to have a fruit juice. They make their own juices and smooties there, really nice place and sooo jummy!
Well now I have some things to take care of here, so I leave you for now. I hope you have a nice afternoon!
See you later!
An unexpected meeting
We met up in the afternoon with her and the students and went to the west of Madrid to see the view of the city, the palace and the cathedral from the air as you can go with a cabin on a wire that takes you to "Casa de Campo", one of the largest parks of the city. We had something to drink there and catched up since it was a couple of years since we met.
It was a great afternoon and I hope to see her again soon!

me and Dolores

Madrid from the air

In the evening we went to Soto del Real outside Madrid to go out with some friends. We stayed over at their place as they live close to this village. They prepared this great breakfast for us in the morning, jummy! :P
When we got home we spent the rest of the day hanging around, surfing on the net and watching films... nice!
And so that was the weekend! It's so nice when you meet people again that you didn't expect to meet but that you really like spending time with.

crazy people... ;O)

hehehe ;O)
A good start of the day

jummy! sooo nice to sit in the sun having breakfast!
Have a great day! I have some stuff to fix here at home today, so I'll keep myself busy...
See you later!
I'm just on my way out... only two nights left to work now as I said... sooo good, then I have the rest of the weekend off! Great!
The other day my darling came home with 2 kilos of strawberries!!! What a wonderful surprise! I love strawberries! So now we have dessert for all week ;O)
Today I made some strawberry marmelade kind of thing (jordgubbskräm in Swedish, don't know the name in English), but you eat it as a dessert with milk, jummy!

very nice surprise, yes yes! ;P

Jordgubbskräm... jummy!
Well I'm off to work! Sleep tight sweeties!
Biking ride on the fields
This afternoon we went for a looong ride on the bikes. We have now got around 25 degrees here and the fields are really green! I just love the spring!

Just outside Meco, the village where we live.

"oooh yeah, I can do it! I'm almost on the top of the hill now and then comes the best part: going down-hill!" That's pretty much what I was thinking in that moment...

Cutie on a bike ;O)

Oh lovely spring!
We have been out walking (and today with the bikes) almost every day now since we came back from Paris, it's great to get some exercise done again! (As if we didn't walk at all when we were in Paris! oh my, what we walked those days!)
I hope you'll all have a great day! I know I will enjoy the great weather as soon as I wake up this afternoon! Just two nights to go, then bye bye night shift for this time! yeay!
Paris, a few tips

1. To get around in the city we normally walk a lot as then you see things along the way between the tourist attractions, but we also use the metro and the busses when the distance is long and when we get tired. I really recommend to go by bus as you get to see things that you otherwise would miss if you chose the metro! We just hopped on a bus every now and then and sometimes you end up where you want and sometimes you end up somewhere totally different ;O) but that's the beauty of it! By the way, I love this old metro sign from the picture.
2. Get up early if you want to avoid the loooong cues at the tourist attractions. We tried to get up quite early the days that we were going to the most popular tourist attractions and that way we didn't have to wait long to get in and had more time for other things as well.
3. If you like modern architecture, I recommend to go to see La Défense. This is a big area in the west of Paris full of new big modern buildings. Among them you find the Arche de la Défense, a huge white building made as an arch.

Arche de la Défense

La Défense area
In La Défense we went for dinner in the restaurant Le Paradis du Fruit, in the commercial centre there. If you go there, this is a great place! You can either have dinner there and try some of their grilled meat with vegetables and different sauces (you can make your own mix of small dishes) or just stop for a drink. They have all kinds of jummy fruit drinks! ;O) I loved this place!

Jummy jummy! A drink with soya milk and fruit.
4. Make plans for what you don't want to miss, because the time pass so quickly and there are so many interesting and nice things, so to avoid not being able to see the things you really want to see it's good to know more or less how to spend the time. I know I never really follow my plans in the end, but at least that way I know that I will have time for the most important things.
5. Don't stress around and ENJOY! ;O)
I hope you will have a great time if you go there!!! I know I wanna go back one day!
Paris, as I lived it... part 2
Good early early morning on all of you!
Ok, so here comes the second part of the Paris trip story.
We stopped by the Galeries Lafayette, which is a big shopping centre with all the famous expensive brands. The building is beautiful! It was nice to have a look but I didn't buy anything though.
We went to see the Louvre Museum, but it was first on the last day that we went inside. It's huuuuge! There was no time to see it all, but we got to see the things that we thought were interesting. You really need time to go there.
Of course I had to make some funny poses with the pyramids in the background ;O)
We went to see Notre Dame, but I didn't get to see the hunchback though... ;O)
We also went to Sacré Coeur. Montmartre, which is the part of the city where you find this basilica, is a really nice block. Here you find small streets full of life; bars and restaurants, all kinds of shops, small markets on the squares and so on. Here you can also find some more colourfull houses, as in the city centre most buildings are white.
In front of the Sacré Coeur. This basilica is located on the top of Montmartre, the highest hill in Paris, so the view is really nice from up here and you can also see the Sacré Coeur from many places in Paris due to it's high location.
Then you can't miss to visit the Arc de Triomphe.
On one of the days we went to Versailles. On the way there we first took the wrong metro, so then we had to take a tram to get to the correct train station. Then we went with the train in the wrong direction! haha so we had to change on the next station and go back. But in the end we got there! I really liked Versailles, specially the small village of cottages that Marie Antoinette had built for her. We never went into the big palace, but chose to see the gardens, the two small palaces and the village of Marie Antoinette instead as we found that more interesting, and I don't regret that as I loved to walk around in the gardens and to see the small village. Here comes some pictures from the day:
In the end, when we were going to return to the train station, it started to rain so we were really soked when we got back to the hotel, but it was a great day anyway! hehe
So that was some of the things we did in Paris, but there was so much more! So here comes a little mix of other places and funny pictures from the trip:
Me in the heart of Paris by the river Seine
mon amour ;O)
who's that crazy girl?
La petite baguette ;O) hehe
And that's all folks! It really was a great week and yet another adventure to add to my memories.
I hope you all will have a great day!
Au revoir! ;O)
Lunch on the balcony
This weekend we have finally cleaned the balcony to prepare it for the spring and summer season. We planted some new flowers and put up the furniture. And so we had the first lunch on our balcony for this year, so nice!

The balcony is ready for the season! ;O)

Jummy! chicken with vegetables in the oven.
The last two days have been rainy but today the sun is back again! ;O)
I'm on night shift now at work, 2 nights done so now it's only 5 to go.
I hope you all have a nice evening! I will try to get some more pictures up from Paris tonight as well.
Paris, as I lived it... part 1
This is the story of our trip to Paris...
We had quite a nice view from the hotel room... the hotel itself was a story of it's own though ;O) But the room was clean and it was ok, eventhough the card to open the door didn't work, the two lamps by the bed didn't work and neither did the television! haha but the hotel was close to the centre and the view was nice, so what does that matter?!!
There is sooo much to see in Paris, so we didn't have time for it all, but we have done lots of things! And I also had the time to meet up with a friend to have a tea and catch up as we haven't met since we both studied in Skövde when she was there as an erasmus student. It was really nice to see her again! ;O)
The first day when we arrived it was sunny and warm, so we mostly went strolling around in the parks and having a first look at the city.
The spring is so beautiful with all the flowers in the trees and gardens!
The rest of the days the weather changed a lot, some days it was sunny and nice and others it was cloudy and a bit rainy, but we were lucky that it mostly rained in the evening and only a few days.
Of course we went to see the Eiffel Tower ;O) I think this was my favourite part of the trip! We went all the way up to the top as well, and then we walked along Champ de Mars and had a pic-nic there with the nice view of the Eiffel Tower. Sooo nice!
Well, I'll tell you more about Paris tomorrow! Sleep tight bloggers!
Back to reality...
We're back home again after a great week in Paris! I reaaaally liked it! We have seen so many things, gone all over the city in sunshine and rain, eaten great food and had good wine with the view of the Eiffel Tower... and so on..
I'll tell you more about the trip and put up some more pictures tomorrow... but now I'm heading for bed, MY very own great cosy BED! I love travelling, but then it's soooo great when you get home and get to sleep in your own bed again!
"East, west, home is best!" or like you say in Swedish: "Borta bra, men hemma bäst!" ;O)
But, I'm also already thinking about what will be the next travel destination!
Sleep tight sweeties!