It's Friday!
It's finally Friday evening and I have the weekend off from work!! Oooooooh yeah! ;O)
And tomorrow we will have some friends over for dinner, I'm really looking forward to it, I just hope I manage to make some good food! So what are you up to this weekend?
After work today we went to buy the last things for tomorrow, and now I'm just hanging for a while on the net and then it's the couch and a nice movie before bed.

one happy Ida! ;O)
Hope you have a really nice evening and weekend!
Fin de mar!
I want that and that and that...
I'm sitting looking at H&M:s webpage for some new clothes for the spring... cause I want the spring to come now... Well, today it's sunny and nice outside so I can't complain! ;O)
I found some really nice stuff at the web page and these are some of the really nice clothes from H&M that I would like to wear this spring and summer:

Oh, I wanna go shopping! ;O) hehe
Hope you all have a nice day! I just have tomorrow to work as well, as this weekend I'm off!!! Sooooo goooood!
It's been a few tuff days... I have morning shift at work and as always when I get up at 5:15 in the morning, I'm like a zombie in the evening... I don't have energy for anything! But I prefer the morning shifts anyway cause you get the afternoon and evening off ;O)
The other day we met up with Dani in the centre, a friend of mine from when I studied in Skövde. We catched up since last time as I haven't seen him since April. Then we met up with Ida and Jean and some of their friends to go bowling. It was great fun and I WON! hehe ;O) I never win, but this time, this time the glory was mine! Ida was very close to beat me, but I got two strikes in the last round so I won in the end.

Dani, Jean, Ida and me.

Carlos in action ;O)
Monopoly and stuff
Good evening!
The days just disappear and the clock keeps ticking... now it's weekend again.
I have been off from work for another two days now, Thursday and Friday, so nice! As it was a holiday on Thursday and Friday was one of these days that comes between the holiday and the weekend, Carlos has been off too. We went to buy some late Christmas presents for my family, as I'm going home in the end of January. Then we have been to the cinema to see the film "Tron - Legacy" in 3D. It's not the movie I would normally choose but Carlos´brother gave us free tickets for the film and Carlos wanted to see it as he saw the old version many years ago, so we went to see it. I have to say that I liked it more than I thought I would, and the special effects are really cool with the 3D!
Today I have worked all morning and when I got home Carlos had made lunch for us. Fish and vegetables in the oven, jummy! ;O)
We have spent the evening playing Monopoly, but no one won as it takes too long so we got too hungry and had to make some dinner instead hehe. Ít has been a really nice evening at home!
Not the newest version, but hey, same name same game, and lots of fun! ;O)
Sleep tight cuties!
Back to work...
Today I was back at work again, after 6 very very nice days off. Well, the day has gone by very fast anyway. Carlos picked me up after work and we went to eat at our favourite place to go after work, with the best paella in town! ;O)
And now we're making pizza and chillin' at home... I was thinking of going out for a long walk but it's so grey and cloudy outside.. and cold... brrr... I think I'll leave the walk for tomorrow!
My parents and grandparents sent me some Christmas presents by mail, they are just too nice to me! Thank you all! And I thought I wouldn't be able to eat my faourite nougat this Christmas! ;O) Tack för nougaten och de andra julklapparna mormor & morfar!

Just sooooooo jummy! ;O)
And among other things, my parents got me these letters that you put up on the wall.

"lycka" means "happiness" for those of you who didn't know ;O) Love it!
From my love I also got some nice sport clothes. ;O)
Well, did you get any nice presents this Christmas?
I'm off to eat pizza!!! Mmmmm! Ciao!
Highlights from December
I know that there has been very little action on this blog lately... so I decided to at least give you the highlights from my December... so here we go!

Bowling! ;O) I didn't win, but it was lot's of fun!

A walk in Alcalá de Henares, with the Christmas lights and the Christmas market... very very nice! ;O)

eeeeh? 2 in 1? or a very fat Carlos with four legs ;O) haha

Christmas decoration at home! looooove it!!!

Christmas lunch with Carlos´friends. Funny people! hehe

A nice Swedish Christmas Lunch at home on Christmas Eve. In the evening we celebrated with Carlos´family, was really nice. I forgot to make pictures though... I have also made lots of Christmas sweets this year, jummy!!! ;O)

We went to see the musical Mamma Mia, soooooo good! I really love to go to the theater.

We have made some really nice desserts! ;O) jummy!
Well, I hope you all had a great December as well!
Big kiss for you all!
Where did Christmas go?
Now it's January again... a new year starting all over again. Is it only me or is time speeding up every year? The last couple of years have past by soooo fast! Well, anyways.. I'm looking forward to the new year and all what it has to give. So far we have started with one day on the couch watching movies and playing Wii ;O) and then today we went to go trekking around on of the big lakes outside Madrid. It was a great day for a long walk in the nature!
Some pictures from the day:

I hope you have a really nice first week of this year!
Happy New Year!!!

A picture from the party last night. Me, Jean, Ida and Carlos.
Merry Christmas!
MERRY CHRISTMAS to you all!!! I hope you had a great Christmas Eve yesterday and that Santa brought you lots of presents! ;O) And I hope that you will have some great days ahead of you during this happy time of the year!

(picture from Google)
By the way, I know it's been a long time since I updated the blog... lately I haven't had so much time and I have to admit I have chosen other things before my blog. I hope you understand ;O)
Hugs and kisses!
The beautiful Argentina
I'm back home and everything is back to normal.
What a trip we had! It's been really great and now we're already thinking about where to make the next trip! :O)
Here comes some more pictures from Argentina. We were mostly in and around Buenos Aires, and then 5 days in the south of the country in Ushuaia, a really beautiful place!
Buenos Aires:

The delta of the river Paraná, in the north of Buenos Aires

The ranch Cinacina outside Buenos Aires.


There are so many pictures, so I just show you some of them. Hope you like them!
Have a nice evening!
Some more of Buenos Aires
We're having a great time here in Argentina. How great to finally have some vacations!
We've been all around the city by now it feels like, but that's not really true because it's sooooo big! So I think we haven't even seen half of it... but the most famous things I think we have seen... and today we went for a trip outside the city to go on a boat tour on the big delta of the river Paraná, and to see the small city Tigre. I loved it!
I leave you for now... but I'll give you some new pictures to watch until next time...

The view from our hotel room ;O) nice!

In the modern part of town, Puerto Madero

This is what I call BIG roots!

The Japanese Garden

Sleep tight! Now I'm heading for bed at least, tomorrow there will be a new adventure, I'm sure!
From Buenos Aires
Now I'm sitting at the hotel after a long day of lots of walking and new impressions! Buenos Aires is a huge city and there are so many things to see and do! So far I like it, even though the buildings and the streets aren't that good taken care of as we are used to in Europe and there is a bit of a chaos in the organization of things sometimes... hehe. But we'll get used to it I think. What I loved from what we have seen today was one of the old parts of the city, La Boca, where there are a few streets with really brightly-coloured houses. Sooo nice!
Here comes some pictures from the day.

Caminito in La Boca, a street full of bright-coloured houses.

The famous "La Casa Rosada" in Buenos Aires.

graffiti ;O)
See you later! Hope you have a great week!
Vacations! yes, you heard me... VACATIONS!!!
Now I have finally vacations!!!! ;O) And we're going to Argentina!
So, if there is no update during the coming days, you know why... but I will try to keep you up to date about what happens!
Have a great weekend everyone! See you later!

Solong cuties!
6 days... and counting down
I'm as tired as always in the morning... sitting here at work and trying to make time run faster so that I can go home ;O) Carlos is off today so that makes me wanna go home even more! But at least I get off at 15:00 so that's good.
Besides, in 6 days I will be on vacations!!! Including today that is... OOOOOHHHH YEEEEEAAAAAH!
Well, you get the point, right? I just really really need some vacations right now!
Hope you have a great week!

Can you guess where I'm going? (well if you follow my blog I guess you know where)
Beautiful days
During the last days it has been such a great weather! Sun sun sun and a blue blue sky! and fresh air!
Yesterday the maximum temperature was around 22 degrees... and it's November! Ooooh, how I love Spain in the autumn!
After work yesterday I went for a long walk in the outskirts of Meco. I just love to see the fields continue beyond the horison as far as you can see, and the silence and the peaceful atmosphere outside the village... It works so well when you need to get the stress out of the body and the problems out of your mind.
What do you do when you need to relax?

some pictures from my walk the other day ;O)
Have a great weekend!
New haircut
I fotgot to show you my new haircut!
So here it is!!!

Ok, I haven't really fixed the hair on this picture... but anyway... that was the point with this haircut I think... because I'm a bit tired of having to wash the hair and dry the hair and make the hair flat and so on every single day! Now I can just have a shower and let it be the way it turns out for the day! ;O)
Chocolate cake
Now I have had 2 days off! So nice! Yesterday was my lazy day... I just fixed a few things at home and then I hit the couch and watched a movie and then listened to music for a while.
And I made chocolate cake! So that has been the dessert for yesterday and today ;P jummy!
Today I went to buy some things for the trip as well... and I have already started on my packing... I want to go noooow! hehehe
Have a nice evening!

Pizza and TV
Now I'm very tired! It's been a weekend full of work and social life, or what to call it ;O)
I've had a great time as always! On Friday Carlos took me out to dinner, to this place called Green House. The food was good, but the place wasn't so cosy as I thought it would be, but we had a really nice evening together. On Saturday I worked all morning and then I went with some collegues to the typical german Oktoberfest in the big bullfighting arena here in Madrid... such a nice afternoon! Great people, lots of nice beer, great atmosphere! After a while Carlos and some of his friends came along too. And around 21.30 we went home as I was so tired and I had to work today aswell. So, that was my weekend in a short way ;O)
Now we're making pizza and then it's TV and the couch... need some rest after a weekend full of things to do!
Hope you had a great weekend too!

PS. I'll show you some pics from the Oktoberfest later! ;O)
Today it's Thursday
Good morning everyone!
It's Thursday! I hope it'll be a good day! And I have some nice plans for the weekend, besides working of course... so I'm really looking forward to Friday and Saturday!
Today I'm a little bit tired... not only because I get up at 05:10 in the morning to get to work until 7, but also because I couldn't fall asleep last night... I hate when you just lay there and turn and turn and think that you really need to sleep now, just a little bit... but nothing.. hehe well, I guess I will sleep tonight! ;O)
If I'm not too tired this afternoon I want to go the the hairdresser, I really need to cut my hair! Well, at least I feel I do. Then hopefully I will have time to go for a long walk aswell.
I hope you'll all have a great Thursday!
zzzzzz...... want to sleep....
(picture from Google)
What a nice weekend!
I got off work at 7 am on Saturday morning and went with my collegue Josefa to her place to have a couple of hours of sleep. Then we met up with some friends from work for a late breakfast. We had a great time, and the place was really cosy and had a warm atmosphere.
Around two in the afternoon I headed home as I was really tired by then and needed some sleep. I slept for another couple of hours and then I took a shower and me and Carlos went off for a party at my friend Cosima's place. We bought some take away thai food and then we had dinner with some wine at her place. Caroline and Matias from my work were also there and a roommate of Matias. We played singstar as well, really funny! Eventough I really can't sing! But we had a great time and then we ended the night at a place in the centre having some beer and drinks.
As I got to bed around 6 in the morning, I slept until 2 in the afternoon the next day and then we spent the day chilling at home in the couch with a couple of good movies and some nice food. Wonderful!
I hope you all had a great weekend too!

We made a singing competition, girls vs. boys...

...and the boys won :( so we had to make the loser sign... haha but was great fun anyway!

Everyone! Sergio, Caroline, Matias, Cosima, me and Carlos.

And some pictures from the bar. We met up with Josefa and some of her friends there as well.