Scary or weird?
I have to tell you what happend the other day! I was brushing my teeth when I started thinking that it was a long while since there was any spider in the bathroom... you know they normally come to visit every now and then.. and so I thought that probably there will be one soon now when spring is here... and so I thought.. why not have a look around, maybe there is already one somewhere here... and then I saw it!!! Behind the toilet in the corner, there it was sitting starring at me.. (ok, the last thing was just my imagination, but still it was there)... I mean, how could I know that? just that day that I think about it and it´s really there! I don´t know if that is a coincidence, if it´s womens intuition or if it´s just scary and wierd!! I know I got kind of surprised!
Well enough about that! Tomorrow we´re heading for PARIS!!! Finally we´re going! I hope the weather will be nice... hope hope hope.. But I will enjoy anyway!
So, I wish you a nice week, ans see you when I get back!
Ciaaao beauties!
Oh sunny day!
Today I'm in a goooood mood! The sun is shining, I've been out walking and now I'm sitting here for just a little while before heading for work.
It's strange how the sun can actually have such a huge effect on the mood... Now when spring is here, and those days that are quite warm and really sunny, I feel so happy! Let's hope the sun stays for long! ;O)

This is the sky in Meco today! Oh sunny happy day! ;O)

There are other one's enjoying the sunny days as well!
I hope you get a great afternoon everyone!
I'm off to work.
Just a normal Thursday
so this day has been like so many others, but still not.. the sun has made a small come back here in Madrid which is great!
But otherwise.. I slept too much, as I sometimes do when I have evening shift at work.
I just had time to have a nice breakfast in front of the TV, get ready and eat something for lunch and then head for the office...(yes I know, I eat a lot!)
The office is sooo hot when you arrive at 15.00 in the afternoon.. which makes me get a small headache..
The job is the same as always but still there are so many new things happening all the time, which in a way is very good because otherwise it would get boring..
My collegues are as great as always so we do actually have quite fun at work..
Now I'm waiting to go home..
When I get home Carlos will most probably already be sleeping on the couch... and I have to wake him up to get him to bed.. ;O) after having something more to eat of course! me, not him..
Luckily I don't always have the evening shift at work! ;O) Sometimes it's nice to have all the time you want to sleep, but then I don't get to see Carlos that much and you don't really get so much done at all, so I kind of prefer the early shift.
Well, that's pretty much my day today! How was yours?
Sleep tight!
Good food and better dessert
This has been a really good food day! Then I mean that we have eaten lots of really tasty things!
For dinner we made fish with mashed potatoes, mmmmm!

And for dessert today I made my first brownies! they turned out really jummy! ;P

They look a bit strange but taste like heaven! ;O)
And to finish it in the best way I put some strawberries on the top of the brownies for the dessert, but we ate it up so fast I didn't get any picture of that one haha!

The strawberries have already arrived to Spain! mmmmm soooo tasty!
This is what I call a nice dinner at home! ;O)
The bad thing with the day is that my eczema on my hands got really bad during the night and had gotten all swollen and strange when I woke up this morning... was at the doctors and now I got a new creme to put on so hopefully it'll get better!
Well I'm off to bed now! Sleep tight and have a nice day tomorrow!
Luxury breakfast
We have made some really luxury breakfast! And with that I mean scones ;O) sooo jummy!
My sister made those for me when I was in Sweden last time and I hadn't eaten them for years... I loved them, so I thought that why not make some at home sometime! So last weekend we made some and now we made them again 'cause they turned out really jummy! And Carlos likes them too so I guess there will be lots of scones here during the coming weekends ;P

A great start of the day!
Now I'm soon off to work, I hope you all have a nice Sunday!
New design
Good evening bloggers!
I have finally got a new design on my blog! It's my lovely sister that fixed it!
What do you think? Great, isn't it? ;O) I like it! Feels more like summer!
I hope you have a great weekend! I still have one hour to work and then I go HOME! ;O)
Fin de mar!
Evening shift
Hey yo sweethearts! ;O)
I'm back at evening shift at work now.. like 3 weeks to work in the evening.. but at least I get to sleep a looot!
The spring has come to Spain by the way.. the fields are green, the almond trees are in bloom and the animals are running around on the open fields. I have been out for long walks the last 3 days and it's so nice to see how everything gets colourful and full of energy! It makes me feel that way too!
And of course I'm looking forward to my visit to Paris! If you have any tips of what to see, what to eat or anything else you can't miss when going to Paris, please let me know!!
This is from a park with miniatures of famous buildings from all of Europe in Torrejón here outside Madrid. Carlos took me there one afternoon to see it as a surprise, so cute! It's a really nice park. And soon I will see the real Eiffel tower! ;O)
Lots of kisses to all of you still coming back to read my blog even if I don't write too often!
Fin de mar!
Long time no seen...
I'm kind of a blog-disaster.... I haven't had any inspiration to write lately so I didn't.. sorry about that.
There has been many things happening though.
First of all, Carlos asked me to marry him! ;O) It was on our 8th anniversary in February, we went to dinner on a nice restaurant to celebrate our 8 years together and so he asked. And of course I said yes! hehe So now I'm an engaged woman!
I have also been at home in Sweden for almost a week in the end of January, but it went so fast I didn't have time for much.. I was in my village during the weekend to see almost all my family and then I went to Göteborg for a few days to see my sister and her family and to meet up with a friend. And then I had to go back again... I hope I get to see some more friends next time I'm home!
In February I went with my friend Caroline to Lanzarote for 4 days, was so great! 23-24 degrees and sun! We went swimming with the sea lions and we went to see the national park Timanfaya with the volcanos and there we also had a ride on the camels. Well they were actually dromedaries but they called them camels. ;O) We also had the first bath in the sea of this year! Were 4 great days!
And I keep working as always... they have told us at work that our department is supposed to be moved to England between September this year and January next year, so I still have a few months left at this job. Then we'll see what happens. But I'm positive and hopefully I will find a great job to start after this one. ;O)
This year has been quite good so far I think... besides all with the job.. but in the end of this month me and Carlos will go to Paris! I'm so looking forward to it! I have never been there and I have to admit that it is one of the places one have to see before life is over, so to speak. So for me so far this year has been full of travels and adventures to look forward to, which means a good year! ;O) Let's hope it continues that way!
Well I think I have written too much... so I leave you for now with a few pictures from the last couple of months. Have a great day everyone!

Our engagement. We had lobser in a rise stu for dinner.. sooo tasty! ;O)
At home:

We had a little party with the family as my father had turned 55, and because I was at home visiting! ;O)

The small river is frozen...

it's coooold! ;O)

my nephew likes tomatoes... you could never guess that, could you? ;O) sooo cute!
