Mixed feelings...
I have some news to tell you about. Two good and one not so good...
...so... let's start with the not so good one...
the company where I work at the moment will close the office here in Madrid, which means I will most likely be without a job within a not so far future... but... I hope I can find something else before that happens!
And so.. to the good news ;O)
1. At this hour in one week I will be in Sweden! Oh yeah! I'll be home for a week to visit family and friends, can't wait!
2. I just booked the plane tickets for Lanzarote! So I will be at the beach in the sun for a few days in a little more than one month! This time I'm going with a friend of mine, so it'll be a girls trip! Fun fun fun!
As you might understand I have kind of mixed feelings about everything right now... but I hope that the job thing will be solved soon.

Lanzarote (pictures from Google)
Sleep tight sweethearts!
Lanzarote (pictures from Google)
Sleep tight sweethearts!
Fantastic weekend!
I have had a very very nice weekend! The dinner on Saturday went well ;O) it was really nice! So hopefully we'll do it again soon! I forgot to make pictures though... I know, I always forget... sorry!
On Sunday the sun was shining and it was warm like in the spring! So we took out the bikes and went for a ride on the countryside, it was so nice! Then we spent the evening with a good movie and some nice food from the day before. The perfect Sunday! ;O)
Yesterday I was at work again, and tomorrow I'm off again.. hehe so only two days to work this time, but then I work all weekend... not so funny. Tomorrow I want to go shopping so I hope I'm not gonna be sick, as I'm starting to feel a little strange... I cross all my fingers and toes that I'll be just fine!
Hope you guys have a great evening!
It's Friday!
It's finally Friday evening and I have the weekend off from work!! Oooooooh yeah! ;O)
And tomorrow we will have some friends over for dinner, I'm really looking forward to it, I just hope I manage to make some good food! So what are you up to this weekend?
After work today we went to buy the last things for tomorrow, and now I'm just hanging for a while on the net and then it's the couch and a nice movie before bed.

one happy Ida! ;O)
Hope you have a really nice evening and weekend!
Fin de mar!
I want that and that and that...
I'm sitting looking at H&M:s webpage for some new clothes for the spring... cause I want the spring to come now... Well, today it's sunny and nice outside so I can't complain! ;O)
I found some really nice stuff at the web page and these are some of the really nice clothes from H&M that I would like to wear this spring and summer:

Oh, I wanna go shopping! ;O) hehe
Hope you all have a nice day! I just have tomorrow to work as well, as this weekend I'm off!!! Sooooo goooood!
It's been a few tuff days... I have morning shift at work and as always when I get up at 5:15 in the morning, I'm like a zombie in the evening... I don't have energy for anything! But I prefer the morning shifts anyway cause you get the afternoon and evening off ;O)
The other day we met up with Dani in the centre, a friend of mine from when I studied in Skövde. We catched up since last time as I haven't seen him since April. Then we met up with Ida and Jean and some of their friends to go bowling. It was great fun and I WON! hehe ;O) I never win, but this time, this time the glory was mine! Ida was very close to beat me, but I got two strikes in the last round so I won in the end.

Dani, Jean, Ida and me.

Carlos in action ;O)
Monopoly and stuff
Good evening!
The days just disappear and the clock keeps ticking... now it's weekend again.
I have been off from work for another two days now, Thursday and Friday, so nice! As it was a holiday on Thursday and Friday was one of these days that comes between the holiday and the weekend, Carlos has been off too. We went to buy some late Christmas presents for my family, as I'm going home in the end of January. Then we have been to the cinema to see the film "Tron - Legacy" in 3D. It's not the movie I would normally choose but Carlos´brother gave us free tickets for the film and Carlos wanted to see it as he saw the old version many years ago, so we went to see it. I have to say that I liked it more than I thought I would, and the special effects are really cool with the 3D!
Today I have worked all morning and when I got home Carlos had made lunch for us. Fish and vegetables in the oven, jummy! ;O)
We have spent the evening playing Monopoly, but no one won as it takes too long so we got too hungry and had to make some dinner instead hehe. Ít has been a really nice evening at home!
Not the newest version, but hey, same name same game, and lots of fun! ;O)
Sleep tight cuties!
Back to work...
Today I was back at work again, after 6 very very nice days off. Well, the day has gone by very fast anyway. Carlos picked me up after work and we went to eat at our favourite place to go after work, with the best paella in town! ;O)
And now we're making pizza and chillin' at home... I was thinking of going out for a long walk but it's so grey and cloudy outside.. and cold... brrr... I think I'll leave the walk for tomorrow!
My parents and grandparents sent me some Christmas presents by mail, they are just too nice to me! Thank you all! And I thought I wouldn't be able to eat my faourite nougat this Christmas! ;O) Tack för nougaten och de andra julklapparna mormor & morfar!

Just sooooooo jummy! ;O)
And among other things, my parents got me these letters that you put up on the wall.

"lycka" means "happiness" for those of you who didn't know ;O) Love it!
From my love I also got some nice sport clothes. ;O)
Well, did you get any nice presents this Christmas?
I'm off to eat pizza!!! Mmmmm! Ciao!
Highlights from December
I know that there has been very little action on this blog lately... so I decided to at least give you the highlights from my December... so here we go!

Bowling! ;O) I didn't win, but it was lot's of fun!

A walk in Alcalá de Henares, with the Christmas lights and the Christmas market... very very nice! ;O)

eeeeh? 2 in 1? or a very fat Carlos with four legs ;O) haha

Christmas decoration at home! looooove it!!!

Christmas lunch with Carlos´friends. Funny people! hehe

A nice Swedish Christmas Lunch at home on Christmas Eve. In the evening we celebrated with Carlos´family, was really nice. I forgot to make pictures though... I have also made lots of Christmas sweets this year, jummy!!! ;O)

We went to see the musical Mamma Mia, soooooo good! I really love to go to the theater.

We have made some really nice desserts! ;O) jummy!
Well, I hope you all had a great December as well!
Big kiss for you all!
Where did Christmas go?
Now it's January again... a new year starting all over again. Is it only me or is time speeding up every year? The last couple of years have past by soooo fast! Well, anyways.. I'm looking forward to the new year and all what it has to give. So far we have started with one day on the couch watching movies and playing Wii ;O) and then today we went to go trekking around on of the big lakes outside Madrid. It was a great day for a long walk in the nature!
Some pictures from the day:

I hope you have a really nice first week of this year!
Happy New Year!!!

A picture from the party last night. Me, Jean, Ida and Carlos.