Some adventures
Hope you're havin' a great Sunday! Me... I'm working as always... but what to do? ;O)
The latest week I have been up to a lot of things... so I'll give you some nice pics from my adventures as I promised.

This is from our romantic pic-nic by the Debod temple in Madrid... really nice views and an old beautiful building brought from the ancient Egypt. Nice!

One evening we went to Alcalá for a walk, the city next to where we live, and we noticed it was the anual summer party there that week. We stopped by the square and found there was a consert with Daniel Diges, the guy who sang for Spain in the Eurovision song contest, he is a great singer really and it was nice to see him live. Later we went to have some tapas and a sangria ;O) so nice!
The day after we went with Ida and Jean to the amusement park here in Madrid. We had a lot of fun eventhough it was a really really warm day hehe ;O)

Me and my sweetie

Ida and Jean

fun fun!

We did actually go with this one! it was a great view from up there, but I tried to avoid looking down, I tell you that! haha and here on the picture it's only half way up!

Looking at 3D-movie ;O)


There were these bikers from South America that came to do their show. How great it was! They were 3 persons in that globe going around with the bikes at once! On the last picture there are 2, but later the 3rd one entered as well! I don't know how they do it, but it rocks!
Have a nice afternoon! I'm longing for the pool now.... just a few hours left!
Ciao darlings!
Sooo not in a mood right now!
I'm sorry but you will have to wait for the "real story" about my days off another day... I'm so tired right now, had so much to do at work and my mood is a bit low right now... not to say VERY bad haha.
So I leave you with a sneak peek of my adventures... ;O)
Have a nice evening! I'm off to dinner with my love!

Night shift makes you crazy
Hey there!
I finally finished my night shift and unfortunately I have also already had my 4 days off! But more about those days later... now I'm gonna tell you what the night shift do to you... or more precisely: show it to you! hihihi
This is my friend and collegue Josefa, hihihi so funny! We had a lot of fun while working together as you can see! ;O) lol
She was a bit better than me making funny faces though! haha
Have a nice Thursday night!
Tomorrow I'll tell you some more about my days off!
New nice stuff for the autumn at H&M
I'm sitting looking at H&M´s website for some nice clothes, and I have to say there are lots of new things that I like!
These are a few of the things I would like to have in my closet:

I think I'm going to H&M very soon!!! (pictures are borrwed from
Hope you have a nice day everyone! See you later!
Eight things you might not know about me
1. I played football for about 10 years when I was younger.
2. I was called Addi during many of those years as we were 3 Ida on the team (Ida backwards but with one more d).
3. When I was little I wanted to become an indian when I grew up ;O) (like the ones in the western movies).
4. For two months I, together with about 20 other persons, held the Guiness World Record for the longest class. We had mathematics for 26 hours in a row! Was fun but I wouldn't do it again! ;O)
5. I want to become a clown one day (only on my spare time though). I love theater! Seeing it, acting... all theater!
6. My two favourite songs are "I'll be missing you" by Puff Daddy and "World hold on" by Bob Sinclar.
7. When I was little I hated to make those formal pictures you had to make every year at the kindergarden and I look angry or sad on pretty much all of them. The only one that I smile on is the one where they let me sit with my twin sister, so I hugged her the hardest I could and smiled! ;O) lol I love that picture!
8. My talent in life is to study, at least that's what my grades tell me.

Addi the clown! ;O)
If there is something else you might wanna know about me, just ask and I will try to answer!
See you later!
My village
Good night all people!
I thought I should show you some pictures from the village where I live. It's about 40 km from Madrid and has around 12.000 habitants or something like that (not sure about this hehe).
So here we go:
the church
the townhall
on the road to the centre of the village
these are the views from just outside the village... lovely fields! :O)
this is my home ;O) hihi, just kidding! I wish!
This is my real home and it's nice too ;O)
Today we went to the village next to ours with the bicycles. It's so nice to get some exercise and to get out in the nature for a while. The road we take is an old one and it's nothing but fields and olivetrees around it, so it's calm and so nice to go cycling there. I forgot to bring the camara though so the pictures will have to wait until next time.
Hope you will have a nice day! I will go home to sleep a bit in a few hours.. longing for my bed already!
Good morning, eeh.. evening? night?
I just got home from work and I'm sitting in the couch havin' some breakfast and looking around a bit on the internet. But I think it's time for bed now, can't really keep my eyes open any longer...
At least I got to see Carlos for a quick moment as he was leaving just when I came home. It's so nice to get a morning hug and kiss before heading for the bed alone these days of night shift.
Have a nice day everyone! Me, I'm off to bed!

a tired Ida
Almost ready...
Good night all people!
Now I'm almost halfway through the second night of the night shift, yeay! ;O)
I promised you to show some pictures from the new furniture that we bought for the bedroom, so here you go... it's not completely finished yet as we haven't got all the decoration yet, but at least the furniture is changed.
Hope you're all sleeping tight! I know I will as soon as I can go home!
Pool time
We have also seen a film so I'm feeling relaxed and as new again! ;O)
Now we're heading off for the pool for a little while! So see you later alligator!

Sweden 16-27 July Part 3: At my parents house
This is the third part of my adventures in Sweden earlier this summer. As I don't live there anymore I kind of appreciate it much more now than before; everything is so green, the garden is full of fruit, berries, herbs and so on, my mothers food that tastes sooo good.... so nice! I miss it!
Well I got a bit crazy making pictures when I was there, so enjoy...

My dad trying to explain something about some herb to Carlos ;O)

Well, good morning everyone! Hope you will have a good day! I'm soon going home from work to have some sleep... need it so much! this is my first night of the one week of night shift, so soon it's only 6 to go! yeaaay! ;O)
See you later!
Tess´ birthday party
We had great fun with lots of talking and dancing!!!

The birthday girl with the funny glases we gave her! ;O)

This picture came out kind of cool even though it's so blurry.. I like!

Part of the group

Me, Aicha, Josefa and Caroline :O) havin' lots of fun!

Of course me and Caroline had to try on the glases too! ;O) lol
It was a great evening! Thank's guys and girls!
Sweden 16-27 July: Part 2 - Camping on the west coast
As I have promised to give you the rest of the story about my adventures in Sweden this summer, here comes the second part! I guess most of you have already seen most of the pictures on my facebook, but there might be some that I didn't show there! So have a look! ;O)
After being in Gothenburg with my sister and friends, we went with my parents and my sister and her family a bit further to the north (about 100km north of Gothenburg) on the west coast for some relax at the camping. Here comes some pictures from these wonderful days!

Arriving at the camping

Our caravan and tent, all ready and set for the week!

We got a nice welcome from our new friend ;O)

The first evening we took a walk to the "boat bay" of the camping.

The next day was a bit cloudy and we went for a long walk at one of the natural reserves over there. We found blue berries, thousands of blue berries! and I ate a lot! :P jummy!
On the third day we went for a tour with the bicycles to the Island of Malmön. So nice!!!

Beautiful, isn't it?!

Close to the camping you see these beautiful views :O)
The day after we went to see the sailing boats by the canal "Sotenäskanalen", where there is one of those bridges that moves when the boats need to go through. We bought pizza and had pic-nic by the canal!

me, my twinsister and Peo having fun by the canal.

Carlos trying to look like the big guys in the movies ;O) Cutie!

In the evening we went to the "bath bay" of the camping. Before going down to the water you have to pass by this mountain with the best view there is! :P
When you are at the west coast you have to visit Smögen, one of the most turistic places over here, but still very nice. And if you look for some nice atmosfhere and lots of partying sailors, then this is the place to be!

In the evening we went to the "Boat Bay" at the camping to fish crayfish and have barbecue! Lovely!

And that's the story about the camping! :O)
A surprise!
Do you know what I got when I got home from work today??!! No? Well, I'll tell you!
A SUUURPRISEEE!!!! Yes, it is true! A present laying there for me.... ME! Oh, I love it!
My cutie had bought this jacket for me, one of those that stops the wind from getting into your bones haha.. and he bought exactly the style that I love! Oh, boy do I love surprises!!!!!
You might think I'm crazy now, but the thing is that my boyfriend is not the very romantic guy. I'm the one that stands for that part mostly in this relationship, and he is the practical person that makes everything be done and work as it should... what is exactly what I need as I'm a bit of a disaster for some of those things ;O) sooo, this kind of things just don't happend that very often... which makes me feel like the happiest person on earth when it actually do happend!
So this is THE JACKET:

my very own special jacket!
Thank you thank you thank you my love! :O)
Pool, work, power walking and some other things
I'm sorry for the very bad updating of my blog during the last weeks, I have to get better!
During the last days I have been to the pool a couple of times, which resulted in a burned back and nose.. not so much though so now I'm fine again ;O) . It's so great to go to the pool and just relax and forget about all other things that you have to do... Besides this I have been working of course... I'm on the late shift right now, not my favourite shift but what to do?
Yesterday my friend Jess, one of my old collegues from work, came for a quick visit to Madrid. She now lives in Milan so I don't see her that much. Well, as I had to work in the afternoon we met in the morning for some shopping and then we had lunch before I headed off for work. It was great to meet her and catch up.
After work Carlos picked me up and we went to have dinner at an asian restaurant before going home. What a great day it was yesterday :O)
I'm sorry to say that I forgot my camera, so no pictures ;(
This morning Carlos woke me up at 9 o'clock to ask me if i wanted to come running with him... my reaction: eeeeh? what? am I still dreaming? and then when I understood he was serious, I promised to come if we went power walking instead... so after the breakfast that's what we did! One hour of fast walking outside the village in the countryside! I love it! So more of that from now on I hope!
And now I'm sitting at work again... let's see what plans Carlos will have for us this evening! Hope it's something funny!
Have a nice Saturday everyone!
The bedroom
Today I'm putting together the furniture we bought for our bedroom! It's gonna be soooo nice when it's ready... I'll make some pictures to show you later!
Hope you have a nice day!
See you later alligator!
Sweden 16-27 July Part 1: Gothenburg
Hey there!
I'll start to tell you about my adventures in Gothenburg during the first weekend of my holidays at home in Sweden.
We arrived to Gothenburg in the evening, directly from the airport of Copenhagen. It was a little bit difficult to find my sister's place as she has moved since I was there the last time, but after like 5 telephone calls, almost missing to get off the tram at the right stop and some walking... we got there! ;O)
After many hours of travel we were kind of tired... hihi But my sister and Peo had made a really nice dinner for us when we arrived, jummy! Afterwards we went for a walk to the harbour to move those legs a little after 3 hours on a plane and 4 on a train...
Some nice pictures from the harbour.
The next day we went for a long walk around the whole harbour area. We got to see parts of Gothenburg that I had never seen before and I have to say that Gothenburg has some really nice places to discover!
The view from the bridge over the harbour area, so nice!
The view towards the other shore.
Me and my nephew on the way over the bridge. We brought my sister and Peos bikes so that two of us could rest from the walking when we got tired ;O)
Carlos and my nephew under the bridge we just passed.
Me inside the fish ;P
What about living in one of those houses?!! On the county side but still so close to the centre of the city!
Me and Carlos took the boat back to the centre, while my sister and Peo went with the bikes.
Left: like the boat we went with...
Right: The boat I wanna go with! ;O) hihi It's one of the old big ships that have their home in the Gothenburg harbour, so beautiful!
When we got back to the centre, we went to the candy shop "4-gott", where they have all sorts of candy! I thought I came to the paradise! ;P
In the evening we went to Linnéas place for some partying! It was a long time since I met my friends from my time at the university in Skövde, so it was great to catch up a little with them. It was a great evening!
Me, Anna and Linnéa, "tha gang"! ;P
The view from Linnéas apartment, soooo nice! I'm not jealous, no no.... ;O)
Me, trying to get some nice curls in my hair... it's much more difficult than it looks like! haha
Jonas, Linnéa and one of Linnéas friends
Crazy time on the tram
The day after my parents came to pick us up, and all of us went to the camping of Örn, near Smögen on the west coast of Sweden about 100 km north of Gothenburg.... also called "the paradise" (even if only by me) :O)
So, more about the trip next time!