I'm back again. I hope you are enjoying the summer so far, I know I am! ;O) We have been home to Sweden visiting my family for some days. We went to surprise my cousin for his examination from school. Was great! This time we had time to do lots of things but not all I would have wanted. Every time I'm back in Sweden I always want to do more than what I have time for, wish I could have stayed a little bit longer... time flies!
Now I'm back in Madrid with over 30 degrees, the other day we had 37! hot hot hot! Too much if you ask me, but at least it's great when you go to the pool ;O) we went yeasterday after work. Today we had the day off and we have been to IKEA, which means some more stuff to try to make place for at home and some Swedish food! jummy!
Tomorrow it's midsummer, I hope you will have some sun back home and enjoy the day and the night! ;O)
I will show you some photos later... now I'm off to bed! Sweet dreams!
Thunder and rain!
Today is yet another grey day here... lately there has been lots of rain and thunderstorms around... the other day it was "raining" ice at home, but not like in Sweden no, ice balls big as cherries! And today it has been raining too much... here in Spain it doesn't rain like in Sweden either, it rains just for about 10 minutes at a time but it rains a whole lake in that time! I promise! today there was even water coming in from the roof at the office! And the toilets turned into fountains if I should believe my collegue that came back from the toilet telling us that there was water all over, hehe.
Well, that's Spain when it rains! But then again you normally get some sunshine even during the grey days, which is good ;O)

this bad weather makes me wanna go back to Lanzarote with sun and beach! ;O)
I hope you have a great evening! with some better weather than we have here...
Weekend and films
Good Sunday afternoon everybody!
I'm still on evening shift at work, seems that it would never end.. but soon I will be on holidays! ;O)
This weekend I have been working 13-21... that means that you get to sleep long in the morning and you still have time for a nice dinner and movie in the evening when you get home, nice!
Yesterday we saw the film "Beastly". Was like a Beauty and the Beast story, but a modern human version. I kind of liked it, I love the lovestories haha.. but I think Carlos was kind of bored as he started singing and moving around and stuff... hihihi not his kind of film..
I like films that makes you happy, like comedies, romantic comedies and so on.. soooo nice to relax and they makes you feel good! ;O) Then again, a film has to be really really bad if I shouldn't like it, because I like most films.. historic ones, accion, thriller, drama... besides the ones I already mentioned.. the only films I normally don't like are horror movies... DON'T like them! I don't see the meaning of seeing a film just to get scared.. but there are some good horror movies, well maybe because they are more phycologically scaring... like the Spanish film "The orphanage", that is a great film. It's so well made and the fear kind of grows within you.. I was scared for two weeks after that film! haha so I'm not sure I would see it again, but it I strongly recommend it to the ones that like this kind of films!
"Beastly", a typical love story ;O)
"The Orphanage", one of really few really good horror movies..
(pictures from Google)
Enough writing for today! Have a great Sunday evening people!
A visit
These days my parents have been here for a visit. This time they also brought two friends with them. We have been around Madrid to see things, eating lots of tapas and paella and had lots of fun!

It has been three intense but great days! I miss them already!