Too early in the morning
Hello all happy people!
Now I'm working morning shift and I have to get up at 5.... it's far too earliy for me and I almost fall asleep at work. Today I stayed in bed until 5:30 though, hoping that the time would go backwards instead, but no...
Yesterday was a good day, I had a lot of fun at work with my collegues and afterwards I met up with Carlos and we went eating at one of our favourite places, Makro, where they have the best paella (a Spanish rice dish with vegetables, meat and shellfish), jummy! After a power nap on the couch we went to the latin rhythms class at the gym. Then a pizza in front of the TV before bed.
Today I hope Carlos have made lunch until I get home from work, and for dessert there will be strawberries! I love strawberries! :P Even if I must say that the Swedish ones are more tasty than the Spanish ones. (bild från via Google)
Well, I'm hoping for a nice afternoon after work! Have a nice day everyone!